Joint Organisers 聯辦單位

“Sin Chew Daily was incorporated in 1929, and has continued publications in various circumstances; under British colonialism, Japanese Occupation, Independence Movement, as well as the early years of nationhood until today.

Sin Chew Daily was suspended on two occasions; first during the Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Singapore between 1942 and 1945, and the second time was when the Malaysian government suspended Sin Chew Daily’s licence under the Printing Presses and Publications Act in 1987. With the effort of the current chairman Tan Sri Sir Tiong Hiew King, Sin Chew Daily resumed publication on 8th April 1988.

The circulation of Sin Chew Daily has improved steadily ever since the resumption of its publication. Today, some 400,000 copies of the newspaper are sold each day, with more than 1.18 million people reading it in Malaysia, making Sin Chew Daily not only the best selling Chinese language newspaper in Southeast Asia, but also the largest Chinese language newspaper outside mainland China.

In October 2004, Sin Chew Daily, along with its sister publications Guang Ming Daily, Eye Asia, and three educational publications Cahaya Sin Chew, Sinaran Sin Chew and Bintang Sin Chew, were formally restructured as Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad, and was listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia.

On 29 January 2007, Sin Chew Media Corporation and the Ming Pao Group of Hong Kong announced a merger program, and invited the participation of Nanyang Press Holdings. Under the merger program, the three media groups merged to form Media Chinese International Limited. Subsequently, Media Chinese International Limited took over Sin Chew Media Corporation’s listing status on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia, to become the first company seeking a dual listing in both Malaysia and Hong Kong.

Among the renowned Chinese language publications under its banner are Ming Pao, Sin Chew Daily, Guang Ming Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau, China Press, as well as Yazhou Zoukan, and more than 30 other periodicals. Ming Pao is published in three different editions in North America, namely Toronto, Vancouver and New York. Sin Chew also runs Cambodia Sin Chew Daily in Cambodia and Harian Indonesia in Indonesia.


《星洲日报》曾二度停刊,第一次是在1942至1945年,因日军南侵,马、新两地相继沦陷而被迫停刊;第二次是1987年遭马来西亚政府援引出版和印刷法令吊销出版准证。 1988年4月8日,在现任社长丹斯里张晓卿爵士及高层的努力争取之下,《星洲日报》得以复刊。






Late 90s, to expand its media frontier, Sin Chew Daily made its digital presence as, and slowly evolving to its present form of As of June 2019, boosts 6 million monthly unique visitors and page views of 60 million, making it one of the major Chinese news portals in Malaysia.

To fully embrace the all media era, sought to develop media strategy that enhances its content via multimedia element, as such its video production, infographics, interactive content could be seen on various platforms, including mobile sites, mobile applications on iOS and Android etc.  


About PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd

PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd (PKT) is a socially responsible company providing logistics services by utilizing local human resources, building environmentally friendly warehouses, open engagement with the communities, inspire other businesses to provide positive impact to people and communities through its activities.

We are a leading niche logistics service provider in Malaysia and has a presence in South Korea, Taiwan and most Asean countries.

PKT is also a strong advocate in giving back to the society in sustainable way via various corporate social responsibility programmes such as:

Anak Belajar Ibu Berkerja (ABIB) Programme: PKT provides part-time work opportunities for mothers and housewives from surrounding communities to undertake casual work in our warehouses. With ABIB, these mothers and housewives do not need to venture far from their homes to earn supplementary income while their children attend school and thus have free time on their hands.

Smart Truckers: PKT hires fresh graduates who are trained to become truck drivers. This has revolutionised the trucking industry by making truck driving as a profession. After four years, the graduates will have the option to work in the office; rich with operational experience.

Jom Bekerja Sambil Belajar (JBSB) Programme: Students who study in PKT’s corporate campus, which is called The Lighthouse Campus in Shah Alam can gain part-time working opportunities during non-contact hours. This provides them not just a source of supplementary income but relevant and practical work experience.

PKT is also an advocate of Education and Skills Enhance via Peninsula College <培能学院>, our wholly owned subsidiary Peninsula College, providing quality tertiary education.

Peninsula College’s mission is to provide a far-reaching and holistic learning experience for the creative young minds of this generation.

We have over 21 years of tertiary education excellence owing to a strong collaboration between academia and industry in grooming employment-ready graduates.

Peninsula College’s state-of-the-art campuses across Malaysia feature the Campus-in-Industry model where colleges are located within an industrial park.

Peninsula College is excited of our soon-to-be launched The Ship Campus in Batu Kawan, Penang that will offered courses in ../partnership with the University of Plymouth, UK.

关于PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd

PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd (PKT) 是一家马来西亚领先的物流服务集团。PKT在韩国,台湾及大部分东南亚国家也拥有多项业务。PKT着重于企业社会责任,他们聘请当地居民为员工; 建立环保仓库;以开放模式与社区交流 同时也会通过各项活动为各领域的企业带来正面效应 。

不仅如此,PKT持之以恒,长期秉持着企业社会责任理念并通过以下公益活动回馈社会 :

Anak Belajar Ibu Berkerja (ABIB) Programme:

ABIB是一项由PKT创造的两全其美计划。透过ABIB, 家庭主妇和妈妈们可以善于利用空闲时间到PKT仓库完成较于轻松的工作以赚取额外收入,不仅可以减轻家庭负担,同时也能享有自由的工作模式,是一项不可错失的兼职机会。

Smart Truckers:


Jom Bekerja Sambil Belajar (JBSB) Programme:

PKT一路向往与重视教育的发展,秉持着为富有创造力的年轻人提供广泛而全面的学习环境之使命, 开拓了培能学院 (Peninsula College) ,让求学人士享有更优质的高等教育。

培能学院 (Peninsula College) 不但拥有超过21年的高等教育学历与经验,也强调学术界和工业界对毕业生的重要性。因此,采用了工业校园模式,即把学院建造于工业区内。


除此之外,培能学院 (Peninsula College) 荣幸地将与University of Plymouth, UK 合作,这项最新的合作将坐落于Batu Kawan, The Ship Campus。敬请期待!

OGAWA – The River of Life

The river has always been the basis of OGAWA’s philosophy. After all, OGAWA literally means “stream” in Japanese. It is from this that we derive our corporate ideals; The concept of starting from a source – the river – which expands out, reach further, touches more and finally emerges at the end, a mighty ocean.


From our humble beginnings in 1996 till today, the mission of OGAWA has always remarked the same – to bring wellness to the world. OGAWA has a wide distribution network of more than 800 retail outlets and counters in more than 20 countries across the globe. OGAWA is now a global innovator of wellness, a worldwide force, that will not stop inventing and innovating wellness technologies and products to improve the lifestyle of people all over the world, for both today as well as tomorrow.

After more than 20 years in Malaysia, Fine Paper Takeo (M) Sdn Bhd continue to grow and lead the industry. Establish in 1997, with its first office cum warehouse in Kuala Lumpur, today it has 3 offices and 4 point of sales (POS) outlets in Malaysia, mainly Northern, Central and Southern region.

In addition to being a paper specialist, we are providing convenient and easy access to our customers now.

Besides of our commitment in providing high quality products and ensuring the responsible usage of forest resources in our operation, we are now providing additional platform to our customers. We establish digital media and support it by point of sales outlets for our customer convenient, quality and education reference. This outlets serve as our mini warehouse, pick up point, product and education reference where our customers can verify the product.

Customer satisfaction continues to be the heart of Fine Paper Takeo (M) Sdn Bhd. We shall constantly upgrade our digital media and establish more point of sales outlets for the convenient of our customers in the future.

Our vision is to promote culture and identify the essence of paper as the basis of the communication.

Our mission is to provide the matchless quality of fine paper as convenient as possible.


• SIN CHEW BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS • SUPPORTING ../partner YEAR 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

SKYNET is a courier company with an enviable track record of one of the leading courier companies in Malaysia. SKYNET is a truly Malaysian company, which was incorporated in 1992. In 1996, Mr Peter Ng took stewardship as Managing Director of SKYNET and has built SKYNET from strength to strength till date. SKYNET was initially headquartered in a 20,000 sq ft facility in Petaling Jaya, where in 2009, SKYNET relocated to a larger facility having almost 105,000 sq ft space in Subang Jaya. This relocation was to ensure the sustainability of the business and to adapt to the enlarging market and changing market environment.

Further to that, in order to be able to serve our customers better and to improve efficiency, SKYNET further took up another 3 units of warehouse facility to function as a Depot in Klang Valley. This additional 100,000 sq ft space was necessary in order to help facilitate the rising growth of the E-Commerce platform.

SKYNET offers many different types of services to suit its clientele demands, being Pick Up & Delivery Services, Diplomat Services, Security Handling, Air Freight, Sea Freight, Cash On Delivery and Warehousing. With Technology at the heart of SKYNET, we offer real time tracking, Online Reserve Order, Online Delivery Request, Online Pick Up Booking, and SKYNET GO (Mobile app). SKYNET is also fully accredited with ISO certification.

SKYNET has a huge potential growth of E-Commerce in Asia due to a very strong international presence via cooperation with DPEX Worldwide, an established Express and E-Commerce service provider in Asia. SKYNET is positioned and poised to be the leading total solutions provider in the region. As such, Skynet consistently strives to achieve its motto: Fast, Accurate & Reliable.

The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong) was founded in late 1991 as a leading Chinese national organization by the 13 State Chinese Assembly Halls in Malaysia. Its establishment is a long awaited result in realization of the common aspiration of the Chinese community.

Currently there are over 10,000 registered Chinese associations in Malaysia. Most of them are dialects groups, surname groups, trade associations, cultural and educational bodies. These associations are also the direct members of the respective Chinese Assembly Halls in various states, and indirectly members of Huazong. In other words, Huazong becomes the leading Chinese organization focuses in matters related to culture, education, economy and social of the Chinese community.

The 13 members of Huazong are as follows:
1. Perlis Chinese Assembly Hall
2. Kedah Chinese Assembly Hall
3. Penang Chinese Town Hall
4. Perak Chinese Assembly Hall
5. The Kuala Lumpur And Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
6. Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall
7. Malacca Chinese Assembly Hall
8. The Federation of Chinese Associations, Johore State
9. The Federation of Chinese Associations of Kelantan
10. The Chinese Assembly Hall Terengganu
11. The Associated of Chinese Associations Pahang
12. The Federation of Chinese Associations Sabah
13. The Federation of The Chinese Associations Sarawak

The objectives of Huazong are as follows:
• To promote goodwill and unity among the various ethnics in the country.
• To discuss and deal with matters of importance and interest to the members.
• To offer views on government policies and implementations affecting its members.
• To promote and participate in cultural, educational, social and economic work consistent with the Federal Constitution.
• To liaise with other societies having similar objectives as those of the Association in furtherance of the above objectives.

The objectives of Huazong and the 13 Chinese Assembly Halls encompass all aspects of cultural, educational, social and economic work while other Chinese associations are classified according to categories or objectives, namely dialect groups, surname groups, social welfare, culture, religions, trade, sports, youth, education etc.

For the past 27 years, we are proud of our achievements in various fields. With the support and cooperation offered by the Chinese community, we have successfully expressed the wishes of the Chinese community to the Government. We also voice out the opinions and the stand of the Chinese community on politics, economics, culture, education, social and religion, so that the problems faced by the Chinese community can be given timely concerns.

Huazong has frequently met with Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Director General of Government agencies to discuss problems and issues faced by Chinese community.

Besides, Huazong has set up several cultural funds and education funds to sponsor various cultural projects, as well as to provide study loans and scholarship to needy students.

The Malaysia Chinese Culture Festival is the most successful event organized by Huazong and the 13 State Chinese Assembly Halls. The Malaysian Chinese Cultural Festival was first held in Selangor in 1984, after that it has become a yearly event organized by the 13 State Chinese Assembly Halls in rotation.

The activities and programs of the Malaysian Chinese Cultural Festival including lantern marching parades, cultural and literature seminars and lectures, cultural performances like various cultural dancing and singing from all races, lion dance or dragon dance, lantern making competitions, spring couplets and Chinese Calligraphy competitions, traditional Chinese martial arts demonstration, fashion show of Chinese costumes, traditional handycrafts exhibitions, food carnivals and food fairs.

Recently we have made the Malaysian Chinese Cultural Festival to reflect the roots and cultures of the various ethnics. The Malay and Indian cultural organizations have been invited to contribute some of the programs like Indian cultural dance or traditional Malay wedding reception and Dikir Barat performance. The Programs presented are usually portraying the ‘‘1 Malaysia’’ spirit of unity. We also invited the state Tourism Board to participate in the festival.

We believe that these activities will help in generating a greater interest of the public in Chinese cultural and also to promote a better understanding among various ethnics in Malaysia.

Founded on 2nd July 1921, The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) has 17 Constituent Members located separately in the 13 states and Federal Territories of Malaysia. Direct and indirect membership of all Constituent Members are well over 100,000, representing Malaysian Chinese companies, individuals and trade associations in particular and the Chinese business community in general. Membership of ACCCIM include Eminent Members, Associate Members, and more than 5,000 young entrepreneurs.

The collaboration network of ACCCIM is very wide. ACCCIM has signed numerous Memorandums of Understanding or Economic Cooperation Agreements with overseas chambers of commerce and economic organisations. ACCCIM has enhanced relationship with Chinese chambers of commerce all around the world after successfully organising the 7th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (7th WCEC) in 2003, currently is a member of World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) Advisory Committee. ACCCIM is a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Malaysia.

ACCCIM is a member of National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM), an apex organisation comprising five principal private sector bodies namely ACCCIM, Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (DPMM), Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MAICCI), Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI) and Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM). Tan Sri Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM is the current President of NCCIM.:

ACCCIM maintains close rapport with Government Ministries and Agencies as a channel for consultation over a wide range of issues, and participate in many consultative panels, dialogues, seminars etc. with the Government. ACCCIM regularly interact with chambers of commerce, trade organisations and major Chinese associations in Malaysia to discuss and exchange ideas on economic and trade issues, and issues affecting the Chinese community.

The ACCCIM has established a Socio-Economic Research Centre (SERC Sdn. Bhd.) in 2010 as a think-tank to carry out research on economic issues in order for ACCCIM to make concrete and strategic suggestions to the Government and effectively contribute to the development of the national economy of Malaysia.

MRCA acts as an excellent avenue for retail businesses to network and exchange ideas, share resources and to promote the healthy expansion of the retail industry in Malaysia and abroad.

MRCA aims to create a highly supportive environment to build retail businesses and pool ideas, experiences and efforts to tap on various opportunities in Malaysia as well as abroad. Its vision is to be recognized as one of the most influential retail bodies in Malaysia, supporting the development and globalization of the retail industry.

Since it was established, MRCA has developed into a very strong organisation, comprising of more than 500 leading retail chain stores operators as well as franchisors and covering more than 25,000 outlets throughout Malaysia.

With such a vast network of retail outlets, these members help provide more than 150,000 job opportunities to Malaysians across the country, and the number is expected to continue to expand, judging from the bright potential of the retail industry.

MRCA also aspires to champion digital retail as an initiative to boost and promote O2O amongst retailers in tandem with the current uprising trend.

The Malaysia Retailers Association (MRA) was founded in 1982 and is the leading retail association representing some of the largest retail companies in Malaysia. MRA is the only representation from Malaysia and is one of the founding members of the Federation of Asia-Pacific Retailers Association (FAPRA), the umbrella organisation of 19 retail associations in the Asia-Pacific region. Member countries/regions of FAPRA include Australia, China, Chinese Taipei, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.

Over the years, the Association has played a vital role with a long-term mission to promote the retail industry. Today, our membership represents over 150 major retail & related companies, covering more than 10,000 retail outlets and in employment of more than 150,000 staff.

Unique as compared to most countries’ retail associations, our member organisations include various sectors in retail business ranging from department stores to supermarkets and hypermarkets, convenience stores, food & beverage, fashion, accessories and specialty stores; as well as suppliers, wholesalers and industry-related service organisations.

In recognition to MRA’s on-going efforts to promote the development of the retail industry, MRA is appointed as the Industry Lead Body (ILB) for Retail by the Department of Skills Development (JPK), under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. MRA is also the Project Chairman of Initiative R3 – Strengthen Retail and F&B Competencies of the Retail and F&B Productivity Nexus (RFBPN) under the purview of the Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC).

Our Mission
• To present a unified voice – to protect, promote and lobby on issues that affect all retailers.
• To exchange and share information on common issues.
• To raise the status and professionalism of retailing through education, training and info-sharing.
• To assist members in fostering closer ties, promote interaction and collaborations with their counterparts within Malaysia, as well as in the region.
• To assist members to improve their strategies and revolutionise their business models to face the challenges in the marketplace and in keeping their companies competitive.

Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia – PUMM) is a multi-racial non-profit making organization. With the support by our former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, PUMM was established in 1993 by a group of young entrepreneurs lead by Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, the CEO of Country Heights Bhd.

The main objective of forming PUMM is to create a valuable platform for entrepreneurs especially those business owners from SMIs and SMEs, to share knowledge, experience, wisdom, and to create new business opportunities through seminars, forums, workshops, business visits, business study trips etc.

Since its forming, PUMM had worked very closely with the government agency to promote the business and economic development in the country especially among the young entrepreneurs. PUMM had managed to helped many young entrepreneurs to realize their vision and played an important role in contributing towards nation economic development. In recognition for PUMM’s effort and contribution, in year 1999, the then Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had directed PUMM to assist in the country’s entrepreneurship in the “Majlis Perundingan Ekonomi Negara Kedua (MAPEN 2)”.

PUMM seek to reap the benefit of the information age by encouraging education facilities to be set up to cater for its manpower needs, and taking affirmative step forward towards making reality platform for Entrepreneurship. In addition it also encourages young Malaysian to instill stronger charisma spirit in facing the challenges of globalization ahead.

About Branding Association of Malaysia
The Branding Association of Malaysia was founded in 2000 with the noble goal of developing the potential of Malaysian brands in order to allow them to be successful in the modern global market. Our vision - then and now - is to achieve 100 internationally acclaimed brands as members by the year 2020.

Branding Association works steadily towards this vision in many ways, including - but not limited to - providing learning and education platforms, organising business networking programmes, offering members branding opportunities through media tie-ups and working closely with government agencies.

We set the runway for Malaysian brands to rise above in achieving their presence and connectivity across all continents of the world. Branding Association of Malaysia reaches out to local SME companies to aid in bringing out their potential as valuable brands.

Our objectives, therefore, are as follows:
• To spearhead a branding movement, especially amongst the SME communities
• To establish a conducive business networking environment for members
• To organise learning platforms such as forums, workshops and conferences
• To serve as a communication bridge between business communities and government agencies

Since our inception, we have been advocating unity among our members in order to allow us to better position ourselves on issues and policies that may hinder Malaysian SME’s as a whole. Apart from achieving branding goals, our members will enjoy the benefits of being a part of unified voice that encourages effectiveness and change.

The Branding Association is also an effective vehicle for promoting trust and cooperation among small and medium brands. This enables them to share branding strategies and gather more input towards building themselves into successful brands – as individuals and as a whole.

The Branding Association was realized with the primary purpose of acting as a unified community, comprised of proud Malaysian SMEs, equipped with strong branding expertise and working together to open the gateway to the modern business world for all Malaysian brands.

SME Association of Malaysia (SME Malaysia) was inaugurated on July 13, 1995 as SMI Association of Malaysia at a time when manufacturing sector was still the dominant economic driver of Malaysia. In recognition of the growing importance of service and agricultural industries, the membership was opened to service and agricultural sectors later with a corresponding name change to SME Association of Malaysia.

Since its inauguration, SME Malaysia has organized numerous international conferences, seminars and exhibitions for the benefits of SMEs. SME Malaysia’s annual award series, the Platinum Business Awards (PBA), has the main purpose to inspire, nudge and spur SMEs to scale greater height.

In 2017, SME Malaysia set up the SME Training Academy, which aims to uplift the management capability of micro-and small enterprises and to transform them into a competent, innovative and technology driven enterprise.

SME Malaysia is also actively engaging with various Ministers and government agencies to promote interests of SMEs through participating in dialogues and policy making meetings. Vision
To transform small and medium industries, enterprises and business into the economic powerhouse of the country.

To instill, and eventually ingrain deeply, the concept of a learning organisation in small and medium industries, enterprises and businesses, and encourage them to be export-oriented.

Key Objectives
• To foster the development of SMEs through learning and skills development;
• To act as a medium to facilitate business opportunities for SMEs through collaboration with large companies, MNCs and relevant government agencies;
• To act as a medium to facilitate interaction between SMEs and the Government through providing inputs for policy making;
• To disseminate information to SMEs in respect of various financial, technical assistance, and training offered by the Government, financial institutions and private sector;
• To assist SMEs in the marketing and promotion of their products at the national and international levels, including the creation of new markets.

Symbolization of Association’s logo

The black and red colours in the sign signify versatility, maturity, vitality and passion of SMEs in building a better future. Double red arrow in the letter ‘‘E’’ reflects dynamic, strong and enthusiastic leadership at the Association.

PIKOM, THE NATIONAL TECH ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA is the association representing the technology industry in Malaysia. Its membership currently stands at 1000 companies involved in a whole spectrum of technology products and services which commands 80% of the total ICT trade in Malaysia.

PIKOM has formed five chapters to better serve the members and the industry:-
• OM
• CIO Chapter
• Cybersecurity Chapter
• E-Commerce Malaysia
• Venture Investment Chapter

Learn more at

Since taking over office on 1-April 2018, the Committee led by President Prof. Dato’ Dr Jayles Yeoh, had put in much effort to organize regular Members’ Networking sessions to enable members to meet potential clients and also to identify opportunities for ../partnerships, joint ventures or new areas of expansion for their business. Members were also encouraged to bring in friends and associates who may be potential members.

The Committee had also touched base with the Embassies and High Commissions of the ASEAN countries to pave the way for future collaboration with them.

With the rapid evolving of e-commerce, retailers can now expand their business via the internet instead of setting up outlets and chain-stores. President Prof. Dato’ Dr Jayles believes that ARFF can contribute to e-Franchising & e-Retailing, befitting of its mission & vision. In view of this, during the 10th AGM held on 19 March 2019, a resolution was proposed and adopted to change the name of ASEAN Retail-Chains & Franchise Federation to ‘‘ASEAN Retailers & Franchise Federation’’ so that any form of retail & franchise business set up can become a member of ARFF.

A resolution was also passed to include an Associate Membership with no voting rights. This category of membership encompasses young entrepreneurs and Enterprise/Sole Proprietorship established below 3 years. The objective is to encourage new and young business owners to join as member and capitalize on Members’ Networking sessions to establish mutually beneficial relationship with other business owners and potential clients and/or customers. They can then later convert to Ordinary member. In this connection, the ARFF Youth Bureau was established under the leadership of Eddie Lim, Founder of Youth World Development Sdn Bhd.

Recent development also saw the reactivation of the Women Entrepreneur Bureau (WEB) which was formalized 3 years ago. The objectives of WEB is to promote cross learnings through education and training, to empower more women entrepreneurs in Malaysia to have more business opportunities. It aims to enrich its members towards personal, career and economic success across the ASEAN region. Miss Carmen Soo, who is the Deputy Treasurer has been appointed as the Chairlady to head this bureau.

The highlight of 2019 will be the staging of the ASEAN Outstanding Business Award (AOBA 2019) on 18 October, 2019 in the HXC Grand Ballroom located in ICC Pudu. AOBA founded in 2010 is organized to recognize ASEAN retail and franchise enterprises for their key accomplishments which make them stand out among their peers in terms of their commitment to the community, ethical behavior and environmental sustainability. It is also aimed to showcase the following:
• Recognition toward the achievement attained by leaders
• A mark of honour and encouragement for entrepreneurs and leaders
• Development of new leaders and upgrading of existing leaders
• Catalyst of growth for the country’s economic driver.

Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance’s mission is to be the leading advocate of Corporate Governance in Malaysia.

MICG’s principal activities are to promote and encourage corporate governance development, provide education and training for the benefit of its members and other interested institutions or bodies in Malaysia.

MICG was established in March 1998 following recommendation by the High Level Finance Committee on Corporate Governance.

The Institute was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee, with founding members consisting of the Federation of Public Listed Companies (FPLC), Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA), Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA), and Malaysian Institute of Directors (MID).

Please visit our website for more info.

Grant Thornton Malaysia PLT is the Malaysian member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd and we have been established since 1974. Our firm provides assurance, tax, corporate finance, restructuring and other specialist services to private and public listed companies. In Malaysia, we are ranked as one of the top local Chartered Accountants. With offices in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor Bahru, Kuantan and Cambodia and with 43 ../partners and Directors and more than 850 people, we offer a full range of services to help clients of all sizes address the challenges and opportunities of growth.

Grant Thornton’s culture is one of our most valuable assets and has steered us in the right direction for more than 100 years. Across the globe, we have more than 56,000 people in over 140 countries committed to bringing our values to life every day and helping dynamic businesses unlock their potential for growth. Proactive teams, led by approachable ../partners use insights, experience and instinct to understand complex issues for privately owned, public listed and public sector clients and help them to find solutions.